Massage Connection
What is your strongest desire? It is very unfortunate how shallow our daily conversations have become. “Busy” time often results in a high number of “to do list” items. But I believe, in most cases, the answer is to live healthy, happy, and inspired. Everything comes down to those three and health is number one, no doubt. With such a huge focus on visuals and valet, our inner health is lacking attention. The main components are the quality of nutrients flowing through our veins and effective toxin removal. Food and supplements fulfil the first requirement.
Physical activity and raising the heart rate is connected to a feel good/look good effect. With the secretion of many hormones comes harmony and boosted self-esteem. The only workout you will ever regret is the one you did not do.
Blood, having it’s own pump - the heart - is responsible for oxygen and nutrients supply to cells, but not for waste removal. All toxic material accumulates in the lymph, which does not circulate as easily as blood. Lymph does not have a pump. It needs your work - move move move. Exercise helps move lymph.
Massage helps with lymph circulation too; which means faster toxin removal and muscle recovery. Did I forget to mention that it's relaxing? Yes, amazingly relaxing.
Next time you have a masage, think of how you often end up with a blocked nose. Ever wondered why? It’s one of the ways the human body eliminates toxins - phlegm. Another way is breath, sweat, urine, and the main one... smelly one that no one talks about. Shhhhhh
Shit. Shhhhh
Let’s get back to masage though. There are plenty of massage salons around but who to trust? It can so impersonal. Someone gets into my private zone, my energy field. That's close! Human touch is very important for feeling connected. And I don’t mean to the wwweb. No lightning screen, no text, no video. Pure Human Connection. Human touch. In India, families and friends used to(and in many places still do) massage each other a couple times a week. It is a great bonding and relaxing energy exchange, so rare in our hectic world these days.
Sydney, where we live right now, as any big city, offers compromised quality of fresh food from mass productions and it's unfortunate over use of chemicals, processed foods, water, GMO, you name it. We can’t control everything but many things we can. Helping our bodies on a regular basis with toxin elimination would benefit everyone in the short and long term. Regular massage is the answer. When you receive a massage, it feels great. When you give, it feels good and it’s an exercise if you do it properly.
And now the good news, our experiment was a success. We have tried a couple of “pilots” of “Massage party”. We don’t drink, it is not sexual, it is not perverted, and it is not paid. Get together with a small group of up to 8 people and make your own unique event experience.
The requirements are - a will to learn, a will to teach, a will give and a will to get.
Everybody involved gets and gives a massage.
It’s time to be awesome, it’s time for the next massage party!
I have posted this article on where you can find more interesting content :-)