A. "Braking fat" PACKAGE
- 8 week challenge
- Face to face, phone or Skype weekly communication
- Email support and "laser" coaching when required.
- Inspirational email quote or message.
- Shopping assistance
- Thermo - Slim exercise program
- Free Health&Wellness education
- Supplement recommendation
- Guaranteed results
B. "FDFS" - Full Day full stop
- Most effective life transformation
- 6 hour one - one session
- Exercise, shop, cook, in-home assessment
- Session Report emailed 24-48 yours after each session.
C."Body dtm" - designed to move
- Suitable for all - From beginners to experiences athletes
- Fast progress with personalised exercises
- Fun, simple & challenging
- Video coaching
- Weekly Inspirational email quote or message.
- Check out our Mountain Lizzard video below
Nature, family, friends, fun, movement, sun, water and CHALLENGE