


For most people, consuming the recommended 25-35 grams of daily fibre can be a challenge. Recent research by the National Fiber Council found that most people typically consume 10-15 grams per day. The World Health Organisation, American Dietic Association, American Diabetes Association and the National Cancer Institute all say the same thing: we need to double the amount of fibre we consume every day in order to enjoy a healthy body.

YOR Fiber Plus takes the hassle away and makes it super convenient to ensure you get as much fibre as you need on a daily basis. We suggest mixing YOR Fiber Plus with YOR Shake Chocolate™, YOR ShakeVanilla, or YOR SuperGreens for maximum taste and optimum results!

Ramp up your fibre intake with YOR Fiber Plus, an advanced dietary fibre supplement designed to compensate for you’re a fibre deficiency and any other vital nutrients your body is lacking. YOR Fiber Plus blends only the highest quality, natural fibres with organic flaxseed, Omega-3 ALA, a powerful antioxidant called HMRlignan™, and the patent-protected Yor Health YOR NDS™. Together, this winning blend of organic fibres provides your body with an optimum combination of support so that you can go on to get the best out of your health. This product contains several key components that make it gentle on your body but extremely effective.

Organic Flaxseed provides an additional source of fibre, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and lignans. Omega-3 ALA provides a healthy dose of another missing nutrient from most of today’s diets. As you probably know already, Omega-3 is extremely effective in supporting a healthy heart, glowing skin, and a strong immune system. 

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